International Websites

Europäisches Gender Medicine Project (EUGenMed)

European Society of Gender Health and Medicine

International Society for Gender Medicine 

EUGIM - European Curriculum in Gender Medicine

Gender Dentistry International (GDI) - the former Deutsche Gesellschaft für geschlechterspezifische Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (DGGZ) goes international

Gendered Innovations - an international project with the goal to provide scientists and engineers with practical methods for sex and gender analysis

Gesundheit und Leben - Seite der Bozner Landesverwaltung zur Gendermedizin.

GenderMed Database - the first systematic data collection about gender-specific literature available to the research and health care community

European Commission - Public Health: Gender Issues

Council of Europe: Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states ?on the inclusion of gender differences in health policy

World Health Organisation Department of Gender, Women and Health

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